Poster Session B   |   7:00am Expo - Hall A & C   |   Poster ID #276

Unlocking Secrets with Single Cell Genomics Core

Academic Research
CPRIT Core Facility
FDA Status:
Not Applicable
CPRIT Grant:
Cancer Site(s):
All Cancers
Mira Jeong
Baylor College of Medicine
Yumei Li
Baylor College of Medicine
Rui Chen
Baylor College of Medicine


Cancer is a complex and heterogeneous disease, characterized by diverse cell populations with distinct genomic profiles. Understanding this cellular diversity is essential for developing effective treatments. The Single Cell Genomics Core is a collaborative and multidisciplinary facility that provides researchers with comprehensive single-cell analysis capabilities. By analyzing the transcriptomic and epigenetic profiles of individual cells, this core aims to unravel cellular heterogeneity, discover rare cell types, and decipher dynamic cellular processes in both normal and disease states.


The core employs a range of advanced methodologies to characterize individual cancer cells comprehensively. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) enables researchers to identify transcriptional profiles of individual cells, revealing key genes and pathways involved in tumorigenesis and metastasis. Single-cell ATAC-seq and Multiome-seq facilitate the assessment of chromatin accessibility, shedding light on the epigenetic regulation of cancer-specific gene expression. Moreover, single-cell spatial genomic tools allow the quantification of hundreds of biomarkers and map their spatial organization across full tissue slices at the single-cell level, providing additional layers of insight into cellular behavior and signaling pathways.


Over the past three years, the core supported 478 projects for TMC researchers and many publications in high-impact journals. The core has made a significant impact on diverse research areas. In developmental biology, it has shed light on the dynamic changes during embryogenesis and tissue differentiation, uncovering essential gene regulatory networks. Most importantly, core has made a profound impact on cancer research by uncovering crucial aspects of tumor biology. It has helped identify rare subpopulations of cancer cells, leading to a better understanding of tumor heterogeneity and potential therapeutic targets. 



The core has become an invaluable asset in cancer research, unraveling the complex cellular landscape of tumors and providing critical insights into cancer biology and therapy. Through cutting-edge methodologies and expert support, the core continues to drive transformative discoveries in the fight against cancer. As we advance towards personalized and precision medicine, the core's role in elucidating the heterogeneity of cancer cells and identifying novel therapeutic targets becomes increasingly vital in the quest to conquer this devastating disease.